Popular imitation cosplay swords

Kill Bill sword

Kill Bill sword

In the movie Kill Bill, the sword in the hand of the protagonist is the last work of the retired sword master Hattori Hanzo in the movie, so this sword...

Kill Bill sword

In the movie Kill Bill, the sword in the hand of the protagonist is the last work of the retired sword master Hattori Hanzo in the movie, so this sword...

Yamato Katana

Yamato Katana

Yamato katana is a weapon used by Vergil, the protagonist of the popular game Devil May Cry HD, this blade is incredibly sharp and cuts through iron like mud, kills...

Yamato Katana

Yamato katana is a weapon used by Vergil, the protagonist of the popular game Devil May Cry HD, this blade is incredibly sharp and cuts through iron like mud, kills...

Sword of Kusanagi-Sasuke katana

Sword of Kusanagi-Sasuke katana

Sasuke's Katana was made for him based on Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword, which was greatly improved in all aspects of his life after he defected to Orochimaru, there is no special...

Sword of Kusanagi-Sasuke katana

Sasuke's Katana was made for him based on Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword, which was greatly improved in all aspects of his life after he defected to Orochimaru, there is no special...

Zoro katana-The weapon used by the legendary swordsman in one piece

Zoro katana-The weapon used by the legendary sw...

Zoro has used six katanas, except for the two unnamed swords that broke during his fight with Hawkeye, the rest are Wado Ichimonji katana, Sandai Kitetsu katana, Yubashiri katana, and...

Zoro katana-The weapon used by the legendary sw...

Zoro has used six katanas, except for the two unnamed swords that broke during his fight with Hawkeye, the rest are Wado Ichimonji katana, Sandai Kitetsu katana, Yubashiri katana, and...

Ghost of tsushima katana

Ghost of tsushima katana

A samurai is a man who believes in his sword as if it were his life - a phrase that has gotten gamers' blood pumping from the classic game ghost...

Ghost of tsushima katana

A samurai is a man who believes in his sword as if it were his life - a phrase that has gotten gamers' blood pumping from the classic game ghost...