Tachi Mid Range

Tachi is a horse warfare sword with a greater degree of curvature than uchikatana, and its wearing method is completely different from uchikatana. uchikatana's wearing method is blade facing up, emphasizing faster blade extraction and chopping, and achieving a complete battle. Tachi is blade facing down, because horse warfare cannot draw the sword in front of the enemy, but these are not absolute
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Strong Sori Tachi

Strong Sori Tachi

Red Dance Tachi

Red Dance Tachi

Shadowless Gust Tachi

Shadowless Gust Tachi

Yihe Tachi

Yihe Tachi

Tokugawa Leyasu Tachi

Tokugawa Leyasu Tachi

Himura Kenshin tachi sword

Rurouni Kenshin Half Tachi

Fukushima Masanori Tachi

Fukushima Masanori Tachi

nobunaga orange shinogi zukuri tachi

Nobunaga Orange Tachi
