Key points for making Katana blade

Jihada and jigane-"folded steel katana"
The steel (jigane) on the surface of a Japanese sword has a definite color and texture. Examining a well-made and ground Japanese sword usually reveals a clear color and fine texture, it is common to observe the distinctive surface pattern created by repeated folding during the forging process, called jihada.
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katana structure
Katana is characterized by the use of shingane, which is soft and has a low carbon content, wrapped and forged with ka-wagane, which has a high carbon content. and since the nature of katana depends on the steel used, understanding the unique characteristics of traditional katana steel will aid in appreciation.
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katana sharpness
If katana is not ground, the secret of its unparalleled sharpness will not be revealed. Like the manufacture of swords, the grinding of katana is highly advanced. It requires a lot of meticulous craftsmanship to bring out the ultimate in blades!
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katana hamon
The katana hamon is the quenching line on a katana blade, where a special yakibatsuchi is placed over the blade, the ha is left bare, and the blade is then red-hot, heated to a specific temperature, and then placed in water. The blade cools rapidly without the clay covering it, so that the hamon is formed.
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boshi meaning
The hamon of the kassaki is called "boshi", different hamons have different boshi, and because there are so many different types of boshi, it has been compared to the face of a human being. Hardening the kissaki area requires considerable skill, so the shape of the boshi can be used to gauge the skill of the swordsmith.
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Best steel for katana
The best steel for Katana should consider the following points: hardness, toughness, brightness, and whether it can increase multiple grinding processes. Of course, there is also beauty, which is what collectors are most concerned, we will introduce some commonly used steel materials for making Katanas. 
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