Everything about Katana

Katana combat-Is it really that powerful?
Katana is the inner soul of the world-famous samurai spirit of the Yamato nation, whether in film and television drama or anime, as long as the appearance of the Japanese samurai, there must be katana. in the movie, katana is invincible and omnipotent,  So, what is the true performance of katana in combat?
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Double edge Katana-Kissaki-Moroha-Zukuri
The kissaki-moroha-zukuri is known as the father of the Japanese sword. It has the shape of a sori, which is common in Japanese swords, but has a double-sided blade, which means that it has the characteristics of a curved sword and a double-edged blade at the same time.
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Katana's buying guide
What is the correct buy japanese katana process,japanese katana on the market are of varying quality,Prices vary very widely, which tends to confuse people that,japanese katana buy What points should you pay attention to?To buy the right katana,I've compiled some common questions about buying a katana below for your reference.
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samurai sword
The samurai sword is a traditional Japanese sword and a symbol of the samurai. The samurai and the samurai sword are intertwined and have influenced each other to such an extent that they have become an export element of Japanese culture and have taken their place in the world of swords by virtue of their authenticity.
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Muramasa sword
According to legend, in ancient Japan there were two very famous Japanese swords, one named Muramasa and the other known as Masamune, if Masamune was the world's number one work of art, Muramasa was the world's number one practical weapon. 
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The Japanese samurai, who often appear in movies and anime, are representative of Japanese cultural output, and the Japanese sword is well known as a symbol of these samurai. The real name of this so-called is Katana.
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