Expensive Katana

Where is the most expensive katana? I think there is no upper limit to the price of a katana, but here, for over $500, you can have a high-end handmade katana at the collection level.
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Half Makeup katana

Half Makeup Katana

Blue moon katana

Blue Moon Katana

hundred emblem katana

Hundred Emblem Katana

Huge waves katana

Huge Waves Katana

Nine Heavenly Dragons black katana sword

Nine Heavenly Dragons Katana

Real katana store

Night Elf Katana

The Great Wave katana-kanagawa wave

The Great Wave Katana

gold band katana

Gold Band Katana

plum blossom choji katana

Sakura Katana

katana dc quench-black katana sword

Raijin Katana

feudal lord katana

Feudal Lord Katana

cloud mist katana

Bloud Mist Katana
